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“Throughout my student experience, there are many people and opportunities I am thankful for but among them all, I am especially grateful to the chances that the IRF provided me.”
Having landed an amazing Management Trainee position thanks to the International Recruitment Forum, Adam enthusiastically shared his personal experience with us from the career forum.
What were you most nervous about going into your job search?
I was very worried about making wrong choices or about being less competitive since I didn’t have concrete practical professional experience as a first year student. I also remember feeling slightly overwhelmed by the amount of choice with the booths, lectures, promotions and workshops.
What helped ease your worries once you were in the thick of it at the IRF?
The experienced industrial players were nice and were able to easily break the ice upon first meeting them. Some managers even shared their immediate feedback with you after an interview. This helped me improve communication and interview skills as the day went on.
What did you learn from your interviews?
I absolutely loved the opportunity to ask the different hoteliers how they built their careers! Learning about their varied stories helped me build confidence in myself and reassured me on my ability to draft my own path.
How did you change your strategy in your second IRF attendance?
During my second IRF I knew much better what to expect and what I wanted to gain. I was more targeted in my approach and went in knowing how to communicate with the different industries. This helped me stand out as a confident and realistic candidate.
After balancing and weighing your options where did you hope to land?
I was aiming for the Corporate Traineeship program in the Chiang Mai property with Shangri-la. I was lucky because my Career and Internship Coordinator was supporting this group during the IRF and offered a very supportive recommendation in my favour.
How did you feel when you received the confirmation letter from Shangri-la?
I was definitely excited and felt that my studies with César Ritz Colleges had proven to be successful.
What tips can you offer the next round of students headed to the IRF?
“You shouldn’t be surprised by the amount of people telling you how great the IRF is – but it may come as a surprise just how much the IRF will personally influence a turning point in your career!”