198 recruiters ready to meet Swiss Education Group students

#Corporate News

198 recruiters ready to meet Swiss Education Group students

198 recruiters from 72 companies are ready to meet Swiss Education Group students at the 12th International Recruitment Forum

By SEG - Editorial Team



Nerves and expectations are high for the highly anticipated International Recruitment Forum (IRF) taking place on October 20th – 21st, 2014. This edition of the bi-annual event will welcome 198 leaders from the hospitality industry who will travel to Montreux, Switzerland to meet and recruit SEG students from our 7 campuses.

The IRF is the largest talent recruitment forum of its kind in the hospitality industry. It is an exclusive opportunity for students to network with international recruiters to learn more about the industry and secure internship placements and graduate positions.

The reputation of the IRF in the hospitality industry is reflected in the participation of the top decision-makers from the industry. In attendance this year from 72 reputable companies include:

  • 12 General Managers
  • 44 Directors of Human Resources
  • 15 Vice Presidents of Human Resources
  • 7 CEOs
  • 8 Director of Learning and Talent Managers
  • 5 Director of Operations
  • 5 Corporate Chefs
  • 7 F&B Directors
  • 25 Corporate Headquarter HR Directors

This edition of the IRF will introduce 20 industry-focused Roundtables. For the first time, students can select and sign-up for the Roundtable of their choice and participate in the focused and lively discussions during the 2-day event.

César Ritz Colleges and Cordon Bleu Alumni Pooja Dhingra has been invited to address the students as the keynote speaker. Ms Dhingra is the founder of Le15 Patisserie and Studio Fifteen Culinary Centre in Mumbai, India. A dynamic businesswoman already making a name for herself in the industry, she was selected by Forbes India for their 30 under 30 achievers list and was voted a Rising Star by GC Watches and is featured in their global campaign.

From all of us at the Swiss Education Group - Iron your shirts and practice your confident handshakes students, because this is an occasion not to be missed!

From the Recruiter Straight Talk Series, listen to the Vice President of Human Resources, Asia Pacific Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts on his views on the Swiss Education Groups strong "sense of innovation".

#Corporate News


By SEG - Editorial Team

Editorial Team