Celebrating a Fruitful Friendship with Thailand

#Corporate News

Celebrating a Fruitful Friendship with Thailand

Celebrating a diverse and multicultural student body.

By Swiss Education Group



2021 marks the 90th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Thailand and Switzerland, a perfect opportunity for César Ritz Colleges Switzerland and Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland to join in and celebrate what we have always been proud of: a diverse and multicultural student body from across the world, including many ambitious students from Thailand.

On the occasion of this commemorative event, we had the pleasure of welcoming H.E. Mr. Chakri Srichawana, the Ambassador of Thailand to Switzerland, and other members of his Royal Thai Embassy team to our Lucerne campus, where they met with our faculty and team, and a few of our Thai students. They were delighted to share their stories and aspirations with the Ambassador.

The 90th anniversary of of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Thailand and Switzerland coincides with the Thai Kitchen to the World Project 2021. On January 28, Thai Chef Rapeepat Boriboon gave a live cooking demonstration for over 70 students and instructors of the Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland Lucerne campus.

This marks an outstanding opportunity for us to celebrate the lasting relationship and collaboration with the Royal Thai Embassy in Bern.

Max Behesht, Dean of the Lucerne campus and H.E. Mr. Chakri Srichawana, the Ambassador of Thailand

Our Thai students combine their rich cultural heritage and authentic passion for service and care with the practices of Swiss hospitality, culinary or pastry & chocolate arts, to pursue their dreams and career aspirations. As members of our global alumni network, they join a global community of leaders and entrepreneurs across a wide range of industries with hospitality at their core.

“This marks an outstanding opportunity for us to celebrate the lasting relationship and collaboration with the Royal Thai Embassy in Bern, and we are deeply grateful for the collection of Thai Culinary and Pastry books they presented our Lucerne campus with during their visit” stated Max Behesht, Dean of the Lucerne campus.

We look forward to H.E. Mr. Chakri Srichawana returning to campus to once again interact with and sharing his wealth of knowledge and experiences from a lasting and formidable career in international relations with our students.

#Corporate News


By Swiss Education Group