An Evening in Moscow with Swiss Education Group


An Evening in Moscow with Swiss Education Group

The first official alumni and networking gathering was held at the glamorous Crowne Plaza in the city centre of Moscow.

By SEG - Editorial Team



40 alumni, 25 VIPs and many Swiss Education Group members came together in celebration on November 20th, 2015 in the Russian capital. The great mix of guests contributed to a truly successful event. The Russian alumni represent a strong chapter for Swiss Education Group and we are already looking forward to hosting another event in 2016.


“Once you graduate you become a part of a truly global family of alumni. No matter where in the world you will go, you will always find a friendly alumni willing to help you.”
Alexey Korobkin, Director of Development IHG and César Ritz Colleges Alumnus


Thank you to everyone for your participation. See you next year!



By SEG - Editorial Team

Editorial Team