Swiss Education Group CEO Florent Rondez: On Passion, Leadership and Giving Back


Swiss Education Group CEO Florent Rondez: On Passion, Leadership and Giving Back

“I knew since I was 9 years old that my life and career would be in hospitality. What I have learned since though, is that through this passion I would be given the incredible opportunity to contribute to the education of talented young people from around the world.”

By SEG - Editorial Team



As Chief Executive Officer, Mr Rondez oversees the positioning and promotion of Swiss Education Group and its reputation as a world leader in hospitality education. Leading a team of over 700 employees and 6,500 students per year, Mr. Rondez’s days are full balancing the demands of a growing corporation and the values that have made him who he is today.

What do you attribute your success to?
I always try to surround myself with talented and passionate people and I definitely believe that my colleagues and team members play a huge role in my own success and the success of our schools. Furthermore I believe in approaching business intrepidly. I am always exploring exciting and bold new ideas that help us stand out from the rest!

What do you hope for from our future hospitality leaders?
I believe that today a good leader needs to understand how to manage different people from all walks of life. In order to do this, leaders must be able to connect with others, be open to the different cultural perspectives and have a view of the world through authentic international experiences.

How do you approach education on an international scale?
I firmly believe that we have a huge role to play through hospitality education to educate and prepare our students to enter the world of work as better people. With over 114 different nationalities across our schools, our students truly learn in a multi-cultural environment. They live together, serve each other and absolutely learn from one another.

I have so many stories of Swiss Education Group students returning to their home countries and making an impact on others through their contribution to the local economy. They go back with an international perspective and the ability to work across cultures and recognize the standards of different communities.

What is Freddie for a Day and why did you choose to get Swiss Education Group involved?
While our students are studying with us we want them to feel like they belong to a second family where they feel supported and well prepared for a brighter future. Freddie for a Day is a fun and important event that we use to teach our students about issues surrounding prevention and about giving back to others.

There is a special history between the city of Montreux and Queen and we are very proud to support the positive work of the Mercury Phoenix Trust. Partnering with Freddie For A Day allows us to talk about issues that are present in the student experience and helps us encourage our students to enjoy life in a responsible and caring way for others.

What are the values you bring to your work?
Give unconditionally, be generous with others and always be available to help.

What have you learned from Swiss Education Group students?
When I meet the students I know they are the perfect humans to change the world. I see in each of them the future and I learn from their capacity for creativity and passion every day. They have also showed me how wonderful it is to have family in every corner of the world. Their warmth and hospitality have completely changed my travel experiences.

How do you measure success?
I measure success by the memories of our students. Over the years I have remained in touch with thousands of our students and now I am getting the opportunity to meet their children! Seeing the generation they are raising and the values that have been passed on to them, I can see the impact we have made. We have literally changed their lives!

What are the most important decisions you make as a leader of Swiss Education Group?
I approach business with the aim to always try and do the right thing fully aware that doing the right thing isn’t always the easiest path followed. Each day the most important decisions are the ones that keep me on the path that serves the most people in the best possible way.

What is the future of the Swiss Education Group with you at the helm?
I am very proud to say that after 15 years with the Swiss Education Group it has continued to grow and consistently improve. While I am CEO I will ensure that the mission remains humble and we will continue to conduct ourselves as a family despite the pressures of the business-oriented world. As long as I am here, I will work hard to keep the human-focus at the core of our daily activities.



By SEG - Editorial Team

Editorial Team