Hotel Institute Montreux: 77 graduates after 77 weeks


Hotel Institute Montreux: 77 graduates after 77 weeks

June 20th was the big day!

By SEG - Editorial Team



After 77 weeks of combined study and hospitality internships, 77 students from around the world graduated from a Swiss Hotel Institute Montreux, HIM, with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Hospitality Management.

The BBA in Hospitality Management is developed in collaboration with Northwood University Michigan, the academic partner of Hotel Institute Montreux. This partnership leverages Swiss hospitality with American Management expertise to ensure that students receive a cutting edge experience.

The graduation ceremony took place at the world famous Montreux Palace where numerous notable speakers and faculty members addressed the students before honoring them with two very special awards:

  • Sarah Thureborn was recognized for being the best BBA academic performer and received the Dr. David E. Fry Prize for Academic Excellence. Mrs. Mamiko Reeves presented this award on behalf of Northwood University.
  • Mme Frasseren from the Commune of Montreux presented the second prize « Le Prix de la Commune de Montreux » to Alicja Pirhonen, the student most noted for professionalism and dedication to community life.

After the official ceremony, students and family were invited to a sumptuous luncheon buffet. Parents and family members met the teachers with whom they had often corresponded and were introduced to their children’s new friends.

While students are thrilled to have successfully completed their studies and are anxious to develop their professional skills, graduation day is highly emotional as each student realizes they will be leaving HIM. The Academic Dean of HIM, Ms. Ulrika Bjorklund explained that very strong ties develop between the student as well as between their professors over the course of their studies. "We see them at the beginning and are always very proud to watch how each of our students flourishes over three years to become a confident, dynamic young professional."

When the festivities come to a close there are many teary, joyful good-byes. Students return to their home country knowing they will remain in touch with their HIM friends, as a recent graduate, they become part of the global Alumni network.



By SEG - Editorial Team

Editorial Team